Random Coffee Thoughts: Part I
A Few months ago, me and a friend of mine went
out to a cafe to work. We stayed there for maybe four whole hours, two hour of
which were spent talking about our random thoughts about the world. And here’s
what came up.
So each of us was deep within their world of
thinking and writing out our thoughts.
She read to me what she had written at that time. And let me
tell you, her writing or poem-ish writing, was filled with so many emotions, so
much wisdom and raw with feelings. She expressed her experience and the way she
saw the scenes happening in front of her, how she felt and what she’s feeling.
It was beautiful in its own way. And it got us wondering and talking.
We write our feelings down. We use it as
our escape and express our emotions out on paper. Somehow this makes them real,
and in a way eases them. I don’t mean it in a dramatic way, or that we just feel
heartbreak or sad thoughts and find ways to write them. But the happy
thoughts also. The blissful memories, the mindfulness scenes. The beautiful
ones indeed.
We think that it’s bad to show emotions, that
it’s too attention seeking and people would judge us by them no matter whether they’re positive or negative emotions. Yes, people would notice and sometimes
judge. But that’s the way we see it or think it. In reality, some people
would not care, simply because they’re way too deep within their lives to notice
others, which is not a bad thing but is just normal. Others would show their
attention because they care, and maybe respect us for it. And yes there will
always be those who will just look weirdly at you, but those, you can ignore or
at least not give them two thoughts.
Why not let ourselves feel. Once we do, it’s magic. The magic is being human.
Find a way to let it out. You can write it out and
just scramble your thoughts and feelings onto a piece of paper (okay your phone
works too), and maybe you get a poem out of it.
Paint it out, that also works. Just smudge bits
of colours onto a canvas and express. Run through it. Literally. Go for a run or
a walk, with or without your music (preferably without and listen to the world
around you). And the easiest but can also be the hardest, which is talking about
it. Call that someone who has that well of your secrets and let your
thoughts out.
The world is just exotic and filled with so many
things that will stir our hearts and minds. We are afraid of it, yet take it for
granted. But it’s beautiful, so pay attention to it and let your feelings be guided. It’s beautiful to let it
steer our thoughts.
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